Beautiful bodybuilder Calum Von Moger is in critical condition after falling two stories while under the influence of drugs. If you are a reader of any tabloid or gossip sites, you may have come across the news.
I try not to share sad stories, but. I'm a fan of the handsome massive bodybuilder and wish him a swift and healthy recovery. I’ve been in the same room with Calum during a photoshoot he had for a fashion magazine. If only I could have been the stylist on set that day!

Calum Von Moger has had struggles, for sure.
While the news on his current state is what's grabbing current headlines, the former Mr. Universe is no stranger to controversy and attention from the media. From rocky relationships, to criminal charges, loss of pets dear to him and discovering he fathered a child without knowing, Calum has always had a very public persona. even released nudes that had circulated back in 2018 (content below). Recently on social media, Calum seemed ready to change the errors of his past and work on himself.
“All I care about is that I learn from my mistakes and become a better person. I’m trying my hardest to stay strong but I have my days too…All I can ask is for your forgiveness so I can keep moving forward on the right path again ?

Besides competing as a professional athlete, the hard bodied DILF has been featured in movies and documentaries including Generation Iron, Generation Iron 2, Calum von Moger: Unbroken and Bigger where he portrayed iconic bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Most of the news items have been shared by friend and bodybuilder Nick Trigili who is equally as gorgeous and sexy.

I hope he recovers and if necessary, gets any help he may need. The world still needs beautiful men like Calum in our lives.