Call me crazy. Old. Bat-shit. Bitter. I don't care, all I know is there's never been anything — before, during, or since — like the photography Jim French brought to COLT, and because of my resistance to the new(er) regime at (with some notable exceptions, as you can see for yourself as you click around on this very site you're now reading), I've avoided supporting them through my own membership. Well, as of this weekend, all of that has changed. I've taken advantage of the AMAZING 50% OFF sale going on at and am I ever glad I did!
Not only do you get access to your favorite “New Colt” guys, you get incredible photography from back in the day, like this:

Carl Hardwick photographed by Jim French for COLT

Dave Sansone photographed by Jim French for COLT

Jake Tanner photographed by Jim French for COLT
If these are some of the men who helped define masculinity for you, now is the time to join Colt — right now. This weekend, while the 50% off sale is going on. CLICK HERE NOW TO JOIN AT THE REDUCED RATE (while it lasts)!