When Did You Know?
Massive muscle men. And gay bodybuilder porn. Plus gay muscle sex. And, of course, gay bodybuilder sex. Am I forgetting anything? When did you know muscle was the ultimate carnal desire for you?
I'm running a little informal focus group on Twitter asking this question. Take a look:
And the answers to my gay muscle porn question, so far, have been illuminating. Which is exactly what I'm looking for as I develop future plans for Muscle Service.
Some of the Massive Muscle Men and Bodybuilders
A few themes have emerged from the group responses. These are some of the men who have triggered the massive muscle men and gay bodybuilder porn obsessions of others. Are any of them your favorites?

Your Turn
I want to hear from you. I want to know which massive men are your favorites. What gay bodybuilder porn was your gateway into allowing yourself to fully lust for massive muscle men?
Do you remember the man (or men) and scenes that led to your self-discovery? Did you have more than one favorite? Are there still scenes you go back to again and again? Men who take you right back to when muscle exploded in your brain and you knew you were hooked?
What stories can you share? Hop on my Twitter discussion above or leave a comment below. There's nothing like massive muscle men when it comes to satisfying certain needs. I know you've spent time fantasizing. I know you've seen an amazing physique on the street and done things you never thought you'd do. I've been there, too.
Massive Muscle Men Across the Internet
I was so mesmerized by the sight of these men that I only found finding in bodybuilding magazines, or on the internet, but they lived right in front of me. I was already in trouble. That’s why my heart sank once and the third man left the house. This third man’s face was even wider and with shoulders of pebbles that could easily crush my head. He had tattoos mirrored by the arms that left him with a dark, intimidating and strong air. I swallowed as he greeted the other guys. All three were the same height, at least in my view. I think they were about 6’5” tall. But at that moment what really mattered were his sculptural bodies.
Read the Series at Metabods
Thus began the era of the “Mass Monster,” and while there’s no clear starting point to the trend, you can begin with the rise of Dorian Yates, whose hulking frame led to an Olympia dynasty in the early ’90s, coming right after that of Lee Haney, one of the most aesthetic of all the classic “Golden Age” competitors. It was a changing of the guard for the entire world of bodybuilding, where pleasing aesthetics gave way to jaw-dropping size—and if you wanted to win, you needed plenty of mass to go around.
Read the full article at Muscle and Fitness